OCEC School Compliance Task Force

Under the umbrella of The Orange County Equality Coalition (OCEC), the School Compliance Task Force monitors and supports schools in Orange County and across California in their efforts to comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws, safe school laws and the FAIR Education Act. The School Compliance Task Force supports LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning) and other minority students in at least two ways: by advocating for students rights and, by filing Uniform Complaint Forms against schools and districts on behalf of a student or group of students.
We are available to explain student rights and to meet with school representatives. When necessary, we can also file a Uniform Complaint Form (UCF) with a school or district. A UCF is a written statement alleging discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or any other violation of a federal or state law or regulation. Uniform Complaints must be investigated and a report from the school or district must be received by the complainant within 60 days.
The OCEC School Compliance Task Force comprises attorneys, psychologists, academics, educators, parents, students & other professionals who donate their time & expertise to ensure safe schools for LGBTQ & all students. You can contact us at ocec-school-compliance-task-force@googlegroups.com.
We never charge for our services!
Learn more about the rights of LGBTQ and gender-non-conforming students in California by visiting our Educational Support page.
Donate to The Task Force