AB 1266 "The School Success and Opportunity Act":
LGBTQ Students are Protected by the Law. The OCEC School Compliance Task Force can help you:
The School Compliance Task Force (SCTF) monitors and supports schools in Orange County and across California in their efforts to comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws, safe school laws and the FAIR Education Act. The SCTF supports LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) and other minority students in the following ways: by advocating for students rights, by speaking at and attending School Board Meetings, by writing Letters of Support, and by filing Uniform Complaint Forms against schools and districts on behalf of a student or group of students. To file an incident report or contact us, fill out the form below.
Introduced in February 2013 by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (CA-17) and co-authored by Senators Mark Leno (CA-3) and Ricardo Lara (CA-33), the School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266) makes clear the obligation of California schools to allow transgender students to participate in all school activities, programs, and facilities. It is designed to spell out the requirements of existing federal and state law in California statute so school administrators, educators, parents, and students understand their obligations and rights. Those requirements are that all students in California be allowed to participate fully in school so they can thrive and achieve academic success. It restates existing state law prohibiting discrimination against transgender students in public education and permitting students to participate in sex-segregated facilities and activities based on their gender identity.
While existing California law already broadly prohibits discrimination against transgender students, AB1266 makes sure that schools understand their responsibility for the success and well-being of all students and that parents and students understand their rights.
Title IX:
Every school and every school leader has a responsibility to protect all students and ensure every child is respected and can learn in an accepting environment. Title IX protects all students, including LGBTQ students, from sex discrimination. Title IX encompasses discrimination based on a student’s failure to conform to stereotyped notions of masculinity and femininity. Schools should also be aware of their obligation under Title IX and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to protect the privacy of their students when maintaining education records.
- FAQ on the Withdrawal of Federal Guidance on Transgender Students
- Information on the California Department of Education's Title IX Compliance Program
- Information on the US Dept. Of Education's Title IX compliance policies
Trans 101 Handout (updated 2018)
Transgender School Stats and Information Handout (updated 2018)
Gender Spectrum Educational Resources including Safe Schools Toolkit
​"Schools In Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools"
ACLU's "Resources to Support Transgender Students"
Uniform Complaint Form (UCF) to start the Uniform Complaint Process (UCP) at Your School/District
Learn About The CA Department of Education Uniform Complaint Process (UCP)